
A set of classes for implementing transitions between application screens.

New in version 1.0.0.

Changing transitions#

You have multiple transitions available by default, such as:

  • MDFadeSlideTransition

    state one: the new screen closes the previous screen by lifting from the bottom of the screen and changing from transparent to non-transparent;

    state two: the current screen goes down to the bottom of the screen, passing from a non-transparent state to a transparent one, thus opening the previous screen;


You cannot control the direction of a slide using the direction attribute.

API - kivymd.uix.transition.transition#

class kivymd.uix.transition.transition.MDTransitionBase#

TransitionBase is used to animate 2 screens within the MDScreenManager.

For more information, see in the TransitionBase class documentation.

start(self, instance_screen_manager: MDScreenManager)#

(internal) Starts the transition. This is automatically called by the ScreenManager.


Animates the flight of heroes from screen A to screen B.


Animates the flight of heroes from screen B to screen A.


Override method. See :attr:`kivy.uix.screenmanager.TransitionBase.on_complete’.

class kivymd.uix.transition.transition.MDSwapTransition(**kwargs)#

Swap transition that looks like iOS transition when a new window appears on the screen.

class kivymd.uix.transition.transition.MDSlideTransition#

Slide Transition, can be used to show a new screen from any direction: left, right, up or down.

class kivymd.uix.transition.transition.MDFadeSlideTransition#

Slide Transition, can be used to show a new screen from any direction: left, right, up or down.

start(self, instance_screen_manager: MDScreenManager)#

(internal) Starts the transition. This is automatically called by the ScreenManager.

on_progress(self, progression: float)#