
Changing when the mouse is on the widget.

To apply hover behavior, you must create a new class that is inherited from the widget to which you apply the behavior and from the HoverBehavior class.

In KV file:


In python file:

class MenuItem(MDLabel, HoverBehavior):
    '''Custom menu item implementing hover behavior.'''

After creating a class, you must define two methods for it: HoverBehavior.on_enter and HoverBehavior.on_leave, which will be automatically called when the mouse cursor is over the widget and when the mouse cursor goes beyond the widget.

from kivy.factory import Factory
from kivy.lang import Builder

from kivymd.app import MDApp
from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel
from kivymd.uix.behaviors import HoverBehavior

#:import MDDropdownMenu kivymd.uix.menu.MDDropdownMenu


        text: "Open menu"
        pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
        on_release: MDDropdownMenu(items=app.menu_items, width_mult=4).open(self)

class MenuItem(MDLabel, HoverBehavior):
    '''Custom menu item implementing hover behavior.'''

    def on_enter(self, *args):
        '''The method will be called when the mouse cursor
        is within the borders of the current widget.'''

        self.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1]

    def on_leave(self, *args):
        '''The method will be called when the mouse cursor goes beyond
        the borders of the current widget.'''

        self.text_color = [0, 0, 0, 1]

class Test(MDApp):
    menu_items = []

    def build(self):
        self.menu_items = [
                "viewclass": "MenuItem",
                "text": "Example item %d" % i,
                "theme_text_color": "Custom",
                "text_color": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                "halign": "center",
            for i in range(5)
        return Factory.HoverBehaviorExample()


API - kivymd.uix.behaviors.hover_behavior

class kivymd.uix.behaviors.hover_behavior.HoverBehavior(**kwargs)


Fired when mouse enter the bbox of the widget.


Fired when the mouse exit the widget.


True, if the mouse cursor is within the borders of the widget.

hovered is an BooleanProperty and defaults to False.


Contains the last relevant point received by the Hoverable. This can be used in on_enter or on_leave in order to know where was dispatched the event.

border_point is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

on_mouse_pos(self, *args)

Fired when mouse enter the bbox of the widget.


Fired when the mouse exit the widget.