The script creates a new View package#


The script creates a new View package in an existing project with an MVC template created using the create_project utility.

New in version 1.0.0.

Use a clean architecture for your applications.

To add a new view to an existing project that was created using the create_project utility, use the following command:

kivymd.add_view \
    name_pattern \
    path_to_project \

Example command:

kivymd.add_view \
    MVC \
    /Users/macbookair/Projects \

You can also add new views with responsive behavior to an existing project:

kivymd.add_view \
    MVC \
    /Users/macbookair/Projects \
    NewScreen \
    --use_responsive yes

For more information about adaptive design, see here.


The function of adding a new view to the project.